Hidden Strength


Hidden Strength is striving to become a unique Mental Health platform, aiming to transform the Mental Health provision for 13 to 24 year olds.

Support For Parents

We are here to help you, help your children

Hidden Strength will become the ‘go-to’ portal for advice, guidance and support, both peer to peer and in the form of fully qualified therapists available on-demand, specialising in supporting adolescents and young adults using secure, anonymous and virtual environments. The platform will also provide holistic mental well-being tools allowing the community to access a range of online activities. Access to the platform and therapist support will be free to the users.
Growing awareness of mental illness in young people, the horrific statistics combined with the known devastating effects on young lives and the lives of their families mean there has never been a stronger call to action.
Social Media plays a huge part in the pressures this demographic face. The global pandemic has magnified these pressures. Now is the time to act.
All young people deserve the best start in life. Too often, young people with a mental health issue have no-where to turn unless they find the courage to call or text a helpline or are in the fortunate position to afford to seek private therapy. Very few young people text, and even fewer pick up the phone to call. Any of these options immediately stigmatise them and make them feel as if they are further alienated from their peers and family.

Download the App

Hidden strength the go – to, advice + support portal for 13 – 24 year olds designed to provide accessible and immediate support and chat-based therapy from qualified therapists to any young people who may be struggling with their mental wellbeing, completely for free.