Racial Bullying

Why racial bullying is never OK and what to do about it.

What Is Racial Bullying?

Racial bullying is when someone is being bullied because of their culture, race or ethnicity. Like most bullying, it can happen face-to-face, online or by text. Racial bullying takes many forms – here are some examples:

  • Being called racist names
  • Having your personal belongings damaged
  • Racist graffiti
  • Being deliberately ignored or left out
  • Having your accent or clothing mocked
  • Making fun of religious traditions and customs
  • Racist jokes
  • People making assumptions about you because of your colour, race or culture

What Can I Do…

  • If I witness racial bullying? Call it out. We all need to play our part to stamp out racism. Report it to an adult or a teacher or, if you see racial bullying online, report it immediately. You can find out more about cyberbullying here.
  • If I am a victim of racial bullying? Tell someone. Don’t suffer in silence. Racial bullying is illegal, and no-one should have to put up with it. Talk to a teacher, parent or adult you trust to get support or call 999 if you feel in immediate danger.
  • In the moment? Ignore it and walk away to get yourself to a safe place. Tell an adult as soon as you’re safe.
  • After the incident? Report it to the school, police or relevant authority. Write down what was said and what happened as soon as you can to keep a record – you may need this for evidence later.
  • If I’m racially bullied online? Report abuse on the site or app and block the user. Take a screenshot of the abuse to keep as evidence. To stay safe online, you can change your privacy settings and be careful who you accept as an online friend. For more help with staying safe online, click here.  

Hidden Strength Against Racism

We will never tolerate racism.

There is never space or a place in this world for racist abuse. Sadly, there have been many horrendous and completely unacceptable acts of racism raging across the globe and many people are in pain and afraid for their own safety. We want our Hidden Strength community to know we stand against racism, and we promise to create an inclusive, safe space for all. No one in our community should ever feel afraid, sad or targeted because of the colour of their skin. That’s why we’re dedicated to stamping out racism. We ask our community to do the same – to call out racist comments or bullying wherever they see it, to report and block racist accounts and comments, and to give compassion, kindness and support for anyone who is suffering racial abuse. Together, we can unite and show the world that our Hidden Strength is love.


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