Surviving Valentine’s Day When You’re Single

Dreading V-Day? We’re here for all you Super Singles ❤️

Valentine’s Day can be a huge trigger when you’re a single Pringle. Whether you’ve just gone through a break-up or desperately wish you were in a relationship, being surrounded by images of love hearts, flowers and couples in love can really suck.

Change Up Your V-Day Views

Here’s where flipping your thinking can really help you look at V-Day differently. (You can discover more about how to replace negative thoughts with positive ones here. Instead of thinking of Valentine’s Day as a special day for couples only, focus on the real theme of the day: LOVE. Now, we all know you don’t need to be in a relationship to have love in your life. And you certainly don’t need to be one half of a couple to celebrate your special loved ones.

Make Your Own V-Day Plans

Have a think about the people you love and how you can celebrate the love you share together. Make your loved ones the focus of your day – not your single status. You could:

  • Plan a family meal with your nearest and dearest. You can eat out at your favourite restaurant and make a special event of it. Or, if you’d rather avoid lovey-dovey scenes of couples holding hands over a candlelit dinner, order in food or cook a meal together at home.
  • Treat yourself to your own Valentine’s gift. You deserve it! Self-love starts with recognising how truly special you are, and you don’t need a significant other to do that for you. Hit the shops for a self-love shopping spree, download a new game you’ve been eyeballing or gift yourself a bunch of flowers and a box of chocs.
  • Ignore it. If Valentine’s Day is a massive trigger and you know that you’re going to struggle with it, you can always completely ignore it. Keep yourself busy with other plans and avoid triggering situations and places such as card shops, restaurants and – the biggie – social media. Take a social media break to avoid seeing your feeds filled with loved-up couples, flowers, hearts and proposals galore. Instead, make plans to spend the day your way. A whole day in bed watching back-to-back episodes of your favourite show? Go for it! This is YOUR day.
  • Remind yourself of why you’re special. Write down everything that makes you truly one of a kind. Write a list of everything that makes you worthy of love. Jot down all the things you’ve achieved. We all need a regular reminder of why we matter and why we deserve to be loved and there’s no better time to do that than on Valentine’s Day.
  • Invite your friends over for a night of games or movies. Surrounding yourself with mates and laughter is a great way to keep your mind off things. It’s also a reminder that you are loved, and you don’t need a boyf/girlf/partner to feel special. Friends are the ultimate V-Day sidekicks!
  • Give Valentine’s gifts to your friends and family. The smallest of trinkets will put a smile on their face and make your heart sing with joy. Giving time and attention to your loved ones when you’re feeling low and lonely can really help to boost your mood and make you feel more connected with others.

Whatever you decide to do this Valentine’s Day, we hope you find your Hidden Strength to get you through. Just remember – be kind to yourself and show yourself the self-love and respect you deserve.

Because you are truly worth it ❤️

Lots of love, The Hidden Strength Team


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