Monday Mood-Boosters!

Start your week off right with these wellbeing exercises…

It’s World Wellbeing Week (June 21st-30th) so we’re here to help you give your wellbeing the love and care it deserves! Let’s kick the week off with uplifting wellbeing exercises to boost your Monday mood and make you feel motivated and enthusiastic for the week ahead!

Boost Your Brekkie

Start your morning the right way with a healthy breakfast. Dig into a bowl of fruit salad or enjoy a yoghurt with granola. Having breakfast boosts your energy and concentration levels and sets you up for the day ahead.

Get Organised

Got lots to do this week or an important appointment? Write it down and make a plan for the week ahead – being organised helps reduce stress and keeps you on track and focused. It can also feel really rewarding to tick off your tasks as you complete them.

Cook A Meal

Get creative in the kitchen and cook yourself something yummy. It’s a good way to start the week – a full belly of your favourite food? What’s not to like?! Cooking is therapeutic and helps to calm the mind. Try online for a simple recipe or dig out your mum’s cookbooks and see what you can whip up!

Sing In The Shower

Treat yourself to a long, hot shower and an impromptu karaoke session! It’s uplifting to let yourself go and sing at the top of your lungs while the hot water beats down on your body. Or treat yourself to a soak in a bath. Whatever floats your boat.

Positive Vibes

Grab a piece of paper and a pen and write down your favourite quote, something you want to achieve or a positive thing about yourself. Search online if you need some inspiration. Stick your positive poster on your bedroom wall or somewhere you’ll see it every morning to keep you motivated and upbeat.

Mate Date

Schedule some time to spend with a friend, even it’s just grabbing a quick snack or going for a short walk. Spending time with friends always brightens your day. It’s a great opportunity to talk about anything you’ve got on your mind and helps you clear your mind for the week ahead.

Colour Yourself Happy!

Wear your brightest clothing to add a colourful splash to your day. The brighter and lighter the colour, the happier it can make you feel.

Kick The Clutter

Do yourself a favour and tidy up your room. Clutter can make you feel distracted and stressed. Tidying up surfaces or reorganising your drawers can help to make you feel more organised and promotes a positive mental attitude.

How do YOU boost your mood? Tell us on social media using the #MondayMood Don’t forget to join us tomorrow for Tuesday Tunes To Turn Up Loud – the Hidden Strength playlist of feel-good music!


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