As lockdown and regulations continue for most of us, it’s no wonder over 50% of teenagers with mental health problems have reported feeling worse due to lockdown.* Most of us can agree that taking care of our mental health has never been more difficult.


Many of us have had to hit pause on our hobbies, clubs, gyms and social life due to the restrictions. The things that gave us enjoyment and kept us active also give us structure and, without them, our days can begin to feel long, boring and repetitive. (Zoom quiz, anyone? No…?)

The temptation to chill in yesterday’s pyjamas watching boxsets on Netflix is as irresistible as the ‘treat yo’self!’ attitude to snacks and treats. And why shouldn’t we? 2020 has been a year. While this kind of self-care is essential, it’s also important to strike a good balance and make sure we’re looking after our outer selves for a happy mind and a happy body.


  • Get yourself up out of bed and shower and dress, every morning, even if it’s only to pop on a pair of clean pyjamas. Feeling good on the outside helps you feel better on the inside.
  • Try something new. If you’re artistic, check out Pinterest for lots of crafty ideas or have a go at baking. You can find lots of recipes online for free and put your inner Paul Hollywood to the test!
  • Mix up your treats! Ditch the junk food and swap out the snacks for a bubbly bath or a Facetime chat with your favourite person.


For some of us, tension in the home is on the rise as family feuds and frustrations are magnified by the restrictions. We all need our own space from time to time and lockdown could be making this more difficult. Many families are also having to share access to a laptop or equipment to do work or schoolwork, which can also lead to tension.


  • Go outside! Wrap up warm and take yourself for a walk, even if it’s just a lap around the block. You could meet up with a friend for a chat if restrictions allow or simply enjoy some time to yourself.
  • If you’re sharing a workspace or equipment, try to be as fair as possible.
  • Speak to someone outside of your direct family unit. Chatting with a friendly face you haven’t seen in a while is an instant mood boost and gives you an opportunity to talk about any issues you may be having in the home.


Sadly, there are some of us who will be experiencing more extreme situations during lockdown. There’s an increase to the risk of abuse during lockdown, especially for those who are experiencing this at home, as well as an increased risk of online grooming as more young people turn to social media and the internet for online learning and entertainment. If you are experiencing any type of abuse, physical, sexual, emotional or neglect, please know that you are not alone and that there is help out there.


  • If you are being abused, please tell someone. You can call Childline to speak to a trained counsellor or talk to a trusted adult, like a teacher or police officer. If you can’t talk freely, you can email or chat online in a safe, confidential space.



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