
Stay Safe From Covid This Summer

Lockdown will soon be lifted but it’s still important to protect yourself from COVID-19 this summer…

We’re all looking forward to more freedom and fun when lockdown finally lifts. It feels like a step in the right direction. The world is starting to open up again, but we still need to take steps to keep ourselves safe from catching the virus and to do our best to stop the spread.  As much as we want this whole pandemic nightmare to be over, it isn’t going to disappear overnight.

Keep yourself safe from the virus this summer by remembering these golden rules:

Keep ‘Em Clean

Keep going with the handwashing, guys – you’ve got this! Scrub your hands regularly throughout the day to help stop the spread. Pop a bottle of hand sanitiser in your pocket or bag if you’re going out and about in town or be sure to use the sanitiser provided in shops and bars.

Space It Out

Try to keep distance between you and others wherever you can, especially in shops and on transport. Think of your own personal space as a covid-free bubble and protect it always.

Don’t Share

We’ve all been taught to share from an early age, but this is one situation where sharing is a big no-no! Be careful not to share food, drinks, cigarettes, or anything else with your friends when you’re hanging out this summer.

Mask Up!

Masks are going to be a part of our lives for some time yet. Keep going with wearing a mask indoors and remember to wash the cotton ones regularly. Don’t forget to bin disposable masks properly – it’s super-sad to see so many of them lying around.

Avoid Crowds

Try to avoid mega-crowded places where you can. Opt for open spaces and outdoor venues instead of busy restaurants and shops. This summer is a great opportunity to explore the country we live in and discover new places right on our doorstep!

Eating Out

Going out for something to eat? Choose an outdoor table if the weather is nice and enjoy your meal in the fresh air. If you’re heading out for fast food, why not take it to go and eat alfresco in a nearby park for a picnic?

Take A Test

Get yourself tested if you have any symptoms of COVID-19 and stay at home until you get your result. Remember, the main symptoms of the virus are:

  • A high temperature.
  • A new, continuous cough.
  • A loss or change to your sense of smell or taste.

Find out more about COVID-19 symptoms here.


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