Live The Simple Life

5 ways to strip the stress from your life… 

Simple living could be the key to removing anxiety and stress from your day-to-day life. When we talk about simple living, we mean living your life in a less hectic fashion. With these top five tips, you can start to build more streamlined habits and create a calmer, healthier environment. 


Take a moment to look around your bedroom and the spaces you use most in your day-to-day activities. Think about how you can de-clutter, tidy and organise these spaces to make them less hectic. Your desk, for example, will be much a more pleasant place to work at when everything is in its place – folders, trays and pencil pots can help organise your stationery and paperwork. Throw away or donate anything you don’t need. Creating clear, clean and clutter-free spaces gives you more space and a sense of satisfaction that everything in its place.  


Start to build a simple morning and bedtime routine into your day. Sticking to a simple routine can help kickstart your day in a positive way, as well as help you wind down at night. Having regular routines is good for your mental health and helps to alleviate anxiety. It can also be good for your physical health if you build exercise into your daily routine. Your body will soon adjust to your new routine and know what to expect – they say it only takes 21 days to form a new habit! 


In this busy world we’re all guilty of over-committing our mental and physical energy to others. Having a packed schedule can add to your stress levels and make you feel overwhelmed. Look at your upcoming commitments (clubs, meetings, social outings etc.) and carefully consider each one. Are there any you can politely decline or postpone? Stripping back your schedule will give you more time to focus on your own self-care. 


Don’t panic – we’re not suggesting a total internet ban! However, reducing the time you spend online can make a world of difference. Too much screen time and exposure to blue light can have a negative impact on our sleep patterns and mental health. Then, of course, there’s the physical effects – poor posture from slouching, weight gain and eye strain. Taking positive steps to reduce our screen time can make a big difference to our physical and mental wellbeing. Set yourself a daily goal of spending no more than X amount of time online. Fill the time you’d usually spend scrolling social networks with simple feel-good activities such as drawing, reading, colouring or exercising. 

Discover more screen-free swaps here.


Invest in a diary or journal to help you manage your time. Effective time-management is key to reducing stress, especially if you’re juggling various commitments or tasks. Get into the habit of writing to-do lists and keep them close to hand. Each morning, look ahead at the tasks you have to complete and block out time segments to tackle each one. Giving yourself a dedicated timeframe to focus on one thing at a time helps to keep you focused and feeling far less frazzled! 


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