We ask teenagers what advice they’d give their younger self…
Teen Talk
Being 13 is tough. As a newly fledged teenager, you feel as if you’re too old for children’s games and too young to hang with the older teenagers. You’ve got high school to adapt to, body changes to get used to and friendship dramas to navigate, not to mention the stress of homework. It’s a LOT.
Sometimes, it can be difficult to imagine things getting easier. When the going gets tough and it feels like nothing is going right, how often have you wished you could scoot forward into the future to look back on these moments and be able to tell yourself that everything is going to be OK? Well, we can’t wave a magic wand and transport you five or so years into the future, but we can share these amazing words of wisdom from our HS community to reassure you that being 13 is not the end of the world…
Letter To My 13-Year-Old Self
We asked young people aged 17-24 to think back to their early teenage years to remember the stresses and issues they faced. “What important piece of advice would you give to your 13-year-old self?”, we asked. We hope their advice helps in some way, whatever troubles or anxieties you have…

Caroline’s advice really focuses on accepting who you are and being true to yourself. We couldn’t agree more – everyone should feel safe and comfortable enough to be who they truly are. It’s also so important to realise that nobody is perfect and that’s OK!
To find out more about how you can be your own hero, click here.

Katie’s advice is gold. Failing a test or getting a low grade on a project can feel like the end of the world but it doesn’t mean the end of any career hopes or opportunities. There are ALWAYS alternative ways such as night classes when you’re older, a different route to college or taking a gap year to travel.
Being bullied at school? Get advice here.

Easier said than done at times, right? Lucy’s right, though – it doesn’t matter what other people think about you. What matters is your happiness. Wear what makes you happy, be friends with the people you enjoy spending time with and be who you want to be.
Learn how to be your own cheerleader here!

When something goes wrong, it can feel like your whole world has been turned upside down. Eve knows that no matter the problem, it’s much easier to cope when you have support. Most situations have a solution – you just need to find it. Never struggle alone; ask for help from a friend, teacher or parent.
Could peer support help YOU? Click here to find out more.

Very true, Joanne. The little things can start to build up and make you feel as if you’re drowning in worries. Talking about your worries, no matter how small, with a mate or a family member can help you get on top of things and feel more able to cope. Sometimes, it just needs another person’s advice to help you put things in perspective.
Discover why it’s good to talk here.

A positive push from Karla to always try your best and never sell yourself short. You are amazing and, when you put your mind to it, you can do anything! Most importantly, you deserve the best in any situation so don’t settle for anything less.
Want to learn how to be more positive? Find out how to think yourself happy here!

When things seem unsurmountable, try to think positively, like Kirsty. Whether it’s school stress, friendship woes or worries about your future, there are always ways to make things better. Talk things over and decide on a plan, if you need to. You’ve got this.
Worried about exam results? Click here for more help.

Ella’s advice to her 13-year-old self is to try their best in any situation. If you’re struggling with a certain subject at school and lacking the motivation to do anything about it, why not chat to the teacher about it? Together, you can find ways of learning that work for you.
Feeling unmotivated? We’ve got your back.

Lucy’s ending on a positive note and a very important reminder to take care of yourself, both mentally and physically. Eating a healthy, balanced diet and getting regular exercise not only makes you fitter and more energetic, but it can also keep depression at bay and help with anxiety.
Want to learn more about eating well? Click here.
What would YOU write to your 13-year-old self? Share your advice on our socials – scroll to the bottom of this page to find the links and join the conversation!