I Worry About My Grandparents Dying

How to cope with anxieties about losing loved ones…

It’s normal to worry about grandparents dying, especially if they’re elderly or poorly. Nobody wants the people they love to die or to imagine what life will be like without them.

Is My Fear Of Death Normal?

We’re all afraid of death and what comes next. This is a healthy fear and it’s what keeps us alive – if we didn’t fear these things, we would take risks or put ourselves in harm’s way. A healthy fear of death means we know and understand that when someone dies, life will never be quite the same again. We understand that death is a part of life. We know it will be incredibly sad, we know that we will grieve, but we also know that, somehow, we will find a way to deal with it. These are normal thoughts and feelings to have when we think about someone we love dying.  

When Does A Fear Of Death Become Unhealthy?

For some people, worries about death can become anxieties. The more you think about it, the more you worry about it. Anxieties start to creep in and affect your day-to-day life. You may experience:

  • Panic attacks
  • Changes to your sleeping pattern
  • Changes to your appetite
  • Sweating
  • Stomach upsets
  • Fear

You may find yourself having increasingly illogical thoughts, imagining scenarios or problems that aren’t real. For example, you might start worrying about perfectly healthy loved ones dying or convince yourself that death is just around the corner because no one close to you has died in your lifetime. If thoughts like these are buzzing in your head and making you feel upset and anxious, please talk to a doctor who can help. You can also try techniques for coping with anxiety here.

3 Ways To Stop Worrying

It’s not easy to completely shut down the worries you have about losing a loved one but there are steps you can take to reduce them. Give these a try and see if they help:

  1. Talk About It

Talk to someone you trust about your fears. Often, other people can shine a different light on things, and this can be reassuring. Speaking your more wild, illogical thoughts aloud can also help you put things in perspective. Most importantly, talking about your fears helps you get support and comfort.

  1. Put Pen To Paper

Write down your fears, one by one. Jot every single one down, no matter how small or ‘silly’. It can help to pour your worries onto paper – to get them out of your system, out of your head and out of the way. It also makes it easier to evaluate your own thoughts. Read out each worry, one by one. Ask yourself:

  • ‘Does this seem plausible?’
  • ‘What’s the worst that could happen?’
  • ‘Is there a solution to this anxiety or a way to make it less worrying?’
  1. Make The Most Of Life!

Try to focus on living instead of dying. Spend more time with the people you love and make the most of the time you do have together. Make memories, enjoy happy occasions, and try to cherish and value the here and now. Learning how to be mindful is something we can all do and teaches us how to live in the moment. Discover ways to be mindful here.

Remember, it’s normal to worry about losing a loved one but if your worries are becoming too much or you’re experiencing anxiety, it’s important to talk to someone and get help. Reach out to a close friend, speak to a supportive family member, and make an appointment with your doctor. There is help out there so don’t suffer in silence. Not sure if you have anxiety? Click here to find out more about spotting the signs.


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