I Hate My Smile

Dental insecurities getting you down? We’re here to help.

Whether you’re shy about your braces or upset about having less than perfectly straight teeth, it’s natural to feel self-conscious about your smile. This is an especially common worry amongst teenagers who are coping with all sorts of challenges as their bodies grow and develop. Your mouth can also transform during puberty – your jaw can change shape and size as you grow, which can lead to wonky teeth, gaps and other dental issues.

“I Try To Hide My Teeth”

When you don’t feel comfortable with your teeth, you may do everything you can to mask them. Keeping your lips closed when you smile for photographs and holding your hand in front of your mouth when you talk… sound familiar? Being unhappy with your teeth can really damage your confidence and affect your mental health and wellbeing.

Social Media Makes It Worse

When all you see on your social feed is endless images of celebrities with pearly white smiles, it can make you feel even more self-conscious about your own teeth. It’s important to remember a couple of things here:

  1. These so-called ‘perfect’ teeth are often not real. Many celebrities have cosmetic veneers installed to achieve this look.
  2. Their images are often heavily filtered or edited. What you’re seeing is very rarely reality. Even celebrities have gaps, squint teeth and plaque – you just don’t get to see it.    
  3. Even people with perfect teeth have their hang-ups. When it comes to our own bodies, we all have things we’re not so happy about it as well as the parts we love.

“I Don’t Want To Go To The Dentist”

You might feel so self-conscious about your teeth that you avoid going to the dentist. As nerve-wracking as it might feel, please don’t miss dental appointments. Missing regular check-ups can lead to more decay or a worsening situation. Remember, your dentist has seen every kind of dental problem imaginable so try not to worry about being judged or lectured. Speak to your dentist to get expert advice on how to improve the health and/or appearance of your teeth – they can recommend products and treatment plans to get you on your way to having a beautiful smile.

How Can I Improve My Smile?

Your dentist’s advice is the key here. They can point you in the right direction of any treatment or product you need to achieve the smile you want. There are also some things you can do at home to boost the whiteness of your teeth and to improve your oral hygiene. These are:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day, making sure to get into those hard-to-reach places. Some people find an electric toothbrush helps get into those tricky spots.
  • Floss regularly to remove food and plaque between the teeth and gums.
  • Cut back on red wine, tea and coffee – these drinks can stain your teeth. Drink plenty of water to flush out your teeth and discourage decay.
  • Give up smoking. Smoking stains your teeth and can cause gum disease.
  • Try to focus on the parts of your face you do love to boost your self-confidence! Learning to love yourself takes practise but, in time, you’ll feel more and more confident every day. Discover how to become your own cheerleader here.

Get more help and support with your mental health and wellbeing here.


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