Have A Happy Half Term!

10 ways to make the most of the holidays without spending a penny!

With half term just around the corner, we’re all looking forward to a well-deserved break. Here are 10 ideas to maximise your fun on a minimum budget:

  1. Hit the beach! It may be autumn and a bit chilly, but that doesn’t mean the beach has to wait until next summer. Wrap up, grab a couple of mates, and go for a walk along the dunes or find a sheltered spot for a picnic. Breathing in the fresh sea air and feeling the wind in your hair is great for the soul!
  1. Prefer the indoors? Choose a new boxset to watch or pick a movie franchise to work through. You could even try watching something you wouldn’t normally pick to see if you like it… variety is the spice of life!
  1. Go camping! There’s nothing more freeing than a night under the stars. If you don’t have a tent, ask friends or family to lend you one. You don’t need all the fancy gear to have a good time and you don’t have to go far, either – the back garden will do.
  1. Start a new hobby. Some groups and classes offer free taster sessions you can try – check your local Facebook pages or the library to see what’s on offer near you. Or you can watch YouTube tutorials to teach yourself a new skill.
  1. Use your holiday to learn how to cook. Knowing how to cook a few simple meals will come in handy for the future, plus you can impress your family with your kitchen wizardry! You can ask a family member to show you how or pick a few recipes to master. Search online to find yummy recipes you’ll love to cook – and eat!
  1. Who says barbeque season is over?! Not us! So long as everyone is wrapped up warm and the weather stays dry, there’s no reason why you can’t enjoy burgers and sausages from the grill on a crisp autumn day!
  1. Host a games night! Invite friends over and ask each of them to bring a board game to play. Monopoly, anyone?
  1. Spend a day in your hometown and explore places you’ve never been to before. Pop into shops you’ve never visited or take a look inside the museum you’ve always avoided. You might be pleasantly surprised at what’s right on your doorstep!
  1. Take the dog for a walk or borrow someone else’s pooch if you don’t have your own. Head somewhere you’ve never been before and explore the area with your four-legged friend. Remember to be careful near water and tell someone where you’re going.
  1. Make someone else smile – play games with a younger sibling, surprise a friend with a compliment or offer to help a parent with housework. There’s no happier feeling than knowing you’ve made someone else happy!

For more ideas on how to make a mate smile, click here.

What are YOUR #happyhalfterm plans for this holiday? Share your stories with us on our socials – scroll to the bottom of the page and hit the links to join the conversation!


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