Five Ways To Wellbeing – Take Notice

Discover how mindfulness can improve your mental this Mental Health Awareness Week (May 10-16) …

Mental Health UK is running a fantastic ‘5 Ways To Wellbeing’ campaign this week to help people across the country learn how to care for their mental health. The theme is nature, and it’s a great way to make your wellbeing a priority.

What Are The 5 Ways To Wellbeing?

They are five simple pillars to help you focus on your mental health:


Work on building and nurturing meaningful relationships with friends, family, or colleagues.


Increase your physical activity to keep anxiety at bay!


Be mindful and aware of the world around you.


Challenging ourselves can improve confidence.

  • GIVE

Giving back to the community or giving our time to help others can be so rewarding.

Today’s focus is on TAKE NOTICE. Don’t forget to look back at our tips and suggestions for CONNECT and BE ACTIVE!

Taking notice is all about being mindful and being aware of your surroundings. Savouring things like beautiful scenery, delicious food, the sound of your friend’s laughter or any other small pleasures in life…



Make your way out to the garden or a nearby park, find a comfortable spot and lay down. Still your mind and steady your breathing. Close your eyes and focus on what you can smell and hear. This is a good way to reconnect with nature and relax. Choose a lovely sunny day and enjoy the heat of the sun on your skin or try getting up especially early to enjoy the quiet and calm before the world wakes up.


Head outdoors with paper and pencil and get ready to unleash your inner artist! You can do a rough sketch of a flower or scenery or collect leaves and petals to make a collage at home. You don’t have to be the next Van Gogh to enjoy sitting in a field on a summer’s day, sketching the beauty in front of you.


Best done with friends! Create an amazing spread of food to eat in the garden or pack a picnic and head somewhere scenic. Be sure to include your favourite foods and flavours, from fresh, juicy berries to warm, crusty bread slathered in butter and cheese… mmmm! There’s something very enjoyable about eating in the fresh air while you chat with friends.


Learn to appreciate the changing seasons of the world around us. Take photos of leaves turning brown, the first snowdrops, a blossoming tulip or fruit ripening on a tree. You could draw some of these changes and keep a seasonal scrapbook to flick through when you feel down.


This is hands-down (sorry, feet-down!) one of the best ways to feel and embrace nature. Run barefoot through the garden and enjoy the feeling of grass between your toes. Splash in a shallow stream or wiggle your toes in the sunlight while you sunbathe on the beach. It’s a very freeing feeling to kick off your shoes and let your feet breathe!

To get more advice and ideas from Mental Health UK, click here to sign up for daily content direct to your inbox!


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