Am I Narcissistic?

Worried you may be a narcissist?

You may be reading this because someone has accused you of being a narcissist and you’re either confused about what that means or worried that you do have narcissistic traits. “Narcissistic” is often used to describe someone who is vain or who comes across as arrogant or self-centred but there’s actually a lot more to it.  Often those with Narcissism struggle to regulate their emotions and have difficulty with friendships and relationships.

What Is It?

Narcissistic personality disorder – or NPD  is a type of personality disorder that causes a person to have an over-inflated opinion of themselves their own importance, as well as a strong need for high levels of attention and admiration. A narcissist will often exaggerate about their own achievements and talents. Learn more about narcissism here.

What Are The Signs?

While someone may show some narcissistic traits from time to time, it is the severity of these traits on a regular basis that may indicate NPD.

  • A belief that they are better than everyone else.
  • A need for constant attention.
  • A belief that they should be given priority and special treatment.
  • Only associate others who they see as equally superior.
  • Lack of empathy and disregards others’ feelings.
  • Obsessed with their own intelligence, success, power and the perfect romance.
  • Arrogant attitude and behaviours.
  • Takes advantage of others.
  • Often envious of other.
  • Believes everyone to be envious of them.
  • Insist on having the best of everything.

I Think I’m A Narcissist

If you have serious concerns that you may have NPD or can relate the above signs, try not to panic. Talk to a friend or family member you trust about your worries – it can help to get someone else’s opinion on your behaviour as you may be over-evaluating your own actions and words. If you still have concerns, make an appointment with your GP to talk over your worries. Your doctor can refer you to a therapist or specialist for further help.

 NPD requires therapy such as CBD (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) which teaches you to identify and challenge unwanted thoughts ,feelings and behaviours and replace them with positive ones. It takes time but with the right support, someone with NPD can change.

Get More Help

For more help and advice on NPD and other personality disorders, click here.


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