
Drugs and Medication

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Am I Drinking Too Much? 18 or over and worried you might be drinking too much alcohol? Are you concerned about your drinking habits? Been...
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What Is A Hangover? A hangover is a group of symptoms you feel when you have consumed too much alcohol. These include headaches, nausea,...
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Go Sober This October! Aged 18 or over and thinking of trying Sober October? What Is Sober October? 30 days. No alcohol. Exactly what...
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I Feel Pressured To Drink Alcohol The facts about underage drinking and how to cope with peer pressure… You’re out at the weekend with a group...
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Am I Addicted To Cannabis? 5 signs of cannabis addiction. What Is Cannabis? Cannabis is a Class B drug. This means it’s illegal for you...
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What Is CBD? Find out what CBD is and how it’s used… CBD is short for cannabidiol. It’s a chemical found in the...
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