Walk All Over Cancer!

Walk 10,000 steps every day in March to raise money for Cancer Research!

Ready for a challenge that will boost your fitness and raise money for an amazing cause? Look no further than the Walk All Over Cancer event! The challenge is to clock up 10,000 steps every day in March. Simple!

How To Take Part

It’s really easy to get involved…

  1. Head on over to Cancer Research’s website to sign yourself up. You can set up a Giving Page to collect donations and you can even link your Fitbit to share your progress with your supporters.
  2. Sign up to set up your Giving Page – and to receive a free t-shirt!
  3. Join the Walk All Over Cancer Facebook group to meet other people who are taking on the challenge. You can share tips, progress, and help to keep each other motivated! Don’t worry if you don’t have Facebook or don’t want to join the group – you don’t have to do this to take part.
  4. Get stepping’ to raise lots of money for life-saving research!

Why Walking Is Good For You

Walking can make you:

  • Feel happier
  • Lose weight – walking just one mile can burn up to 100 calories!
  • Be more productive
  • Feel more able to manage stress and anxiety
  • Feel more relaxed
  • Live longer! Walking for just 15 minutes every day can increase your life expectancy by 3 years!

Getting outdoors and moving your body is a great way to set you up for the day ahead. You’ll feel much more able to deal with whatever life throws at you when you’ve got a spring in your step!Read more about why walking is good for your well-being here

Getting 10,000 Steps A Day

10,00 steps = roughly 5 miles (8km) so by the end of the month you’ll have walked around 150 miles! There may be days when you feel unmotivated or lose your mojo, but we’ve got your back. Try these top tips to help you find motivation – and to make your walks more fun!

  • Walk with a mate! Ask a friend to join you. Chatting to a friend while you walk helps to pass the time and makes it feel less of a chore.
  • Take the dog – or borrow one, if you can. A four-legged friend makes the perfect walking companion and keeps you on your toes!
  • Weather too terrible to venture outdoors? Check out YouTube for a quick step workout. Fit With Rick https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9EGeHNUGvFocvu6qbUIMBgis a good one!
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Walk the long way to school or work!
  • Explore new walks in your local area. Remember to keep to paths and walkways to stay safe.
  • Hop off the bus or train a stop early and walk the rest of the way.

Get more ideas for making your walks more interesting here.

Ready to go? Good luck – and happy walking!


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