#TRY20 – Walk For Wellbeing

Walk for 20 minutes every day and feel the benefits!

You can cover around a mile in a brisk 20 minute walk, which is roughly 2,000-3,000 steps, so by the end of the month you’ll have covered around 31 miles!

Why Is Walking Good For You?

Walking is great for your mental and physical health. Even better, it’s completely free and the great outdoors is much more accessible than an expensive gym. Regular walks can make you:

  • Feel happier – active people are 30% less likely to become depressed.*
  • Lose weight – walking just one mile can burn up to 100 calories!
  • Be more productive
  • Feel more able to manage stress and anxiety
  • Feel more relaxed
  • Live longer. Walking for just 15 minutes every day can increase your life expectancy by 3 years!

Getting outdoors and moving your body is a great way to set you up for the day ahead. You’ll feel much more able to deal with whatever life throws at you when you’ve got a spring in your step!

#Try20 Tips

Try these top tips to get you motivated and moving!

  1. Ditch the bus and walk to school or work. If you live too far away for this to be practical, try jumping off the bus a couple of stops earlier than your destination and walk the rest of the way.
  1. Take a shoreline stroll with a mate or a four-legged friend. It’s fun to mix up the terrain and views – and nothing quite beats a beachy walk with the wind in your hair!
  1. Track your progress using a fitness walk or an app on your phone. Having a record of your achievements and setting yourself goals helps to keep you motivated.
  1. Offer to walk someone’s dog if you don’t have one of your own. Dogs make the best walking buddies!
  1. Wear comfortable, sensible shoes. There’s nothing worse than getting a blister on day one.
  1. Stuck in the house? You can still get your steps in! Pop on a step challenge YouTube video or head out to the garden to get your 20 minutes.
  1. Walk at work! Try walking meetings with colleagues or head out on your lunch break for a quick walk.

Discover more ways to make walking fun here.

*Source: https://www.walkingforhealth.org.uk/get-walking/why-walk/healthy-minds


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