This Is Me!

Go au naturale this National Selfie Day and embrace your gorgeous self!

Do you dare to bare and share a fresh-faced, happy selfie? Zero filters, zero Photoshop and no pouts or poses… just you and your beautiful smile! This National Selfie Day let’s bless our feeds with happy selfies and show the world how beautiful we all are! Snap it, share it, and don’t forget to tag us on social media, using #smileyselfie

Why Go Filter-Free?

While filtering our images can give us an instant boost of confidence, the longer-term effects can actually be damaging to our mental health. Here are three reasons to ditch filters to improve your mental health and well-being…

  1. Self-Judgement

We become used to looking at our filtered pictures and start to feel as if our ‘real self’ doesn’t match up. This can lead to self-critical thoughts and negative body image. Sadly, for some, these negative thoughts can become overwhelming and take over their lives, which can lead to more serious issues like depression or body dysmorphic disorder.  

  • Instagram Versus Reality

Looking at image after image of ‘perfect’ celebrities can be really damaging to our mental health. We wonder why we don’t look like that or start to compare our own bodies and faces to those we see online. It’s important to remember that social media isn’t always reality. Many people will only ever show their best side online, keeping anything that’s considered less than perfect out of sight. That’s not real-life. We all have our insecurities, even the people who seem to have it all. They’re just choosing not to show them.

  • Filter Addiction

It’s alarmingly easy to become addicted to using filters. Some people will find it nearly impossible to post a photo of themselves that hasn’t been filtered in some way, believing that they don’t look attractive without a filter. It can be difficult to get out of this way of thinking but our tips below can help you break-free from the filters and help you to embrace your own reality.

Top Tips For Smiley Selfies

You’ll definitely want to try these for yourself…

  • Step into natural sunlight to cast a beautiful, healthy glow on your face and skin.
  • Scared to go make-up free? Take baby steps by reducing how much make-up you wear every time you take a pic.
  • Gather your pals for a group pic! You might feel more confident and comfortable when you’re surrounded by people who make you smile.
  • If you’re particularly self-conscious about, say, a bump on your nose, or the spots on your chin, you can angle your face or cover up an area with a well-placed hand or accessory.
  • Head to your happy place and snap a selfie there. Your happiness is sure to come shining through in your photo!
  • Snuggle up with a beloved pet or a mate’s furry friend – it’s impossible not to smile when you have a cute pupper in your arms!

We can’t wait to see all your gorgeous, happy faces beaming back at us because there’s nothing more beautiful in this world than a smile!


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