#StrideForward With Your Mental Health!

This Youth Mental Health Day let’s talk about improving our mental health!

#YMHD (Youth Mental Health Day) are encouraging young people and those who support them to focus on how they can improve their mental health. #YMHD takes place every year and the theme of 2021 is how young people can #StrideForward with their mental health. After more than a year of turmoil and uncertainty due to the pandemic, there’s no better time than right now to look to a brighter future.

Covid & Young People

For the past year, young people have had to deal with a LOT. From cancelled exams and school and university closures to fears of catching the virus, young people have faced a variety of challenging issues and experiences.


Youth Mental Health Day wants to give you and every other young person across the UK a voice. On Sept 7, join the conversation to send a clear message about the importance of young people’s mental health. Your voice matters.


Moving on from bad times often requires you to look back and reflect on how the last year has affected your life. Think back over the events of the past year and remember how you felt at the time. Did you feel anxious or afraid? Stressed or depressed? Frightened or frustrated?


Now cast your mind into your future. What do you want to achieve this year? What steps can you take to improve your own mental health? These goals can be anything YOU want them to be.

Maybe you want to set yourself a personal challenge?

Or maybe you want to focus on self-care. FYI, don’t ever let anyone tell you self-care is selfish – it’s vitally important to take care of yourself, both physically and emotionally, in order to protect and nourish your own mental health.

For more #StrideForward inspiration, click here.

Once you’ve considered your reflections of the past year and decided on your #StrideForward goal you can copy the template below or click and save to your desktop to print it out and fill it in.

Stick your #StrideForward statement somewhere visible, where you can see it every day, as a reminder of your goals and the strength you’ve shown in dealing with the past year. Believe in yourself. You’ve got this!

Get Involved!

You can join the conversation on Sept 7 by following #YMHD on social media and sharing your #StrideForward goals. Don’t forget to use the hashtag #StrideForward!





Why not ask your school, college, workplace, sports club or youth group to get involved? You can find activity suggestions and talking points in handy downloadable packs here.

For more information on #YMHD, head on over here!


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Hidden strength the go – to, advice + support portal for 13 – 24 year olds designed to provide accessible and immediate support and chat-based therapy from qualified therapists to any young people who may be struggling with their mental wellbeing, completely for free.