Rock Your Socks!

Get your mismatched socks on for World Down Syndrome Day!

Show your support for World Down Syndrome Day on March 21 by joining in the #LotsOfSocks campaign. This annual campaign to wear mismatched colourful socks gets people talking about Down syndrome, a naturally occurring condition where a person has an extra chromosome.

What Is Down Syndrome?

Down syndrome occurs when a person is born with an extra chromosome. This happens purely by chance and although your chances of having a baby with Down Syndrome increases as you get older, any one of any age can have a baby born with an extra chromosome.

People who have Down syndrome are as unique as you and me. They range in abilities and each individual will face their own level of learning disability. Some people with Down syndrome can live a very independent life, living alone and having a job, while others may need extra help for day-to-day life. Every person with Down syndrome is different. The best way to learn about what it’s like having Down syndrome is to listen to the people themselves:


You can get involved by wearing your funkiest, brightest socks on March 21! Go odd, go crazy, go colourful – the zanier the better! Take a pic of your mismatched feet and upload to social media using #LotsOfSocks to show your support. Get talking about Down syndrome with family, friends and colleagues and spread awareness and support!

Raising awareness can also help to raise money for DSI – Down Syndrome International. These funds go towards improving the lives of those with Down syndrome. Why not suggest a #LotsOfSocks fundraising day at work or school to raise funds? You can donate here.


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