Lonely At Christmas

For some people, the festive season can be the loneliest time of all…

Christmas isn’t always a time of joy and laughter. For some people, it can be a

stark and painful reminder of how lonely they feel. If your Christmas isn’t cracking up to be a time of happiness, we’re here to help you through.

You might feel a bit of a Scrooge for feeling down in the dumps over Christmas but it’s actually one of the top triggers for low mental health. The TV is a constant source of ‘perfectly happy families’ and friends having festive fun. Beautiful picture-perfect decorations and OTT gifts adorn your social feeds. If you’re already struggling with your mental health, feeling lonely, depressed and down, missing loved ones or are dealing with a family breakup, this is a LOT to absorb.

Why Do I Feel Lonely?

There are all sorts of reasons why you might be feeling lonely this Christmas. You could be:

  • Coping with a relationship breakup. Whether it’s falling out with a friend, breaking up with a partner or dealing with divorced parents, relationship troubles can make the festive season very difficult.
  • Dealing with the sad loss of a family member or pet. It’s common to feel the loss of a loved one even more during the festive season. To get advice around coping with grief, click here.
  • Missing family or friends who you are unable to visit over Christmas. This could be due to distance or illness.
  • Feeling depressed. If your mental health is low, you may be feeling lonelier because you don’t feel as if anyone understands you. You can be surrounded by many people and still feel as if you’re the only one in the room. If you’re feeling like this, don’t suffer in silence. Reach out and get help. Talk to someone about how you’re feeling and make an appointment with your doctor to get support. You can find more advice about depression here.
  • Feeling increased anxiety. People who have anxiety can feel even worse at Christmas. There are busy shops to navigate, as well as parties and a never-ending list of plans, not to mention the financial strain and stress.
  • Feeling disconnected from your family. If you don’t get along with your family, it’s normal to feel isolated or lonely at a time when families are supposed to be closer than ever.

Ways To Feel Less Lonely

There are things you can do to feel less lonely this Christmas. If you’re off on holiday, the days can seem long and impossible to fill but by keeping yourself busy and practising self-care, you can look after your own mental health and wellbeing. Why not:

  • Reduce your social media intake. Put your phone down and focus your mind on other activities you enjoy. It’s important not to compare yourself to others and to remember that social media only shows the best bits about a person’s life. It’s not reality.
  • Plan plenty of treats for yourself. Order in your favourite takeaway and buy that book you’ve been wanting to read. Fill your holiday with activities YOU enjoy and make the most of your downtime.
  • Avoid negative people or those who make you feel inadequate or self-conscious. You don’t need that kind of negativity in your life, especially when you’re feeling so vulnerable.
  • Talk to someone about how you’re feeling. Pick up the phone, text or video call a friend, or talk to one of our trained counsellors on the Hidden Strength app. Talking to someone else will help keep loneliness at bay. Download our free app here:

IOS: https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/hidden-strength/id1565180829

Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hiddenstrength.app

  • Make a solo Christmas a quality Christmas! Plan your day in advance and go shopping for food and treats to make it a day to remember. Eat whatever you want, go wherever you want to go, wake up whenever you like. It’s your day, YOUR way.
  • Keep busy on the big day by volunteering at a local homeless shelter to help out with Christmas dinners. Helping others makes you feel good, especially at Christmas, and is a great distraction from feeling lonely.

Get more support around feeling lonely here.


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