I’m Worried About Going Back To School

Feeling anxious about your return to school post-covid? You’re not alone.

Whatever your feelings are about going back to school next week, we’ve got you covered. It’s completely normal and totally OK to have fears and worries about it – after all, this isn’t your usual back-to-school feelings of dread. Let’s take a look at some of the most common concerns and what you can do about them…

Social Anxiety

We’ve all spent the best part of a year locked down and isolated so it’s no wonder we might feel a bit anxious about social situations. If you’re shy or have quite enjoyed your own company, the thought of mingling and mixing again with classmates might fill you with anxiety.

What to do: Talk to a family member or friend about how you’re feeling – don’t keep it bottled up inside. You could arrange to meet just one friend to walk to school with if you’re feeling nervous about larger groups.

It could also help to plan an enjoyable activity after school to give you something positive to focus on throughout your day. Click here for more tips on dealing with social anxiety.


If you have experienced bullying at school in the past, its understandable you may be worried about returning to school. Please see the bullying section on our site for more help- https://ionpadel.com/advice/for-me/bullying/.

What to do

Talk to a family member, a friend or your teacher about your thoughts and feelings.

For more information on dealing with bullying and cyberbullying head to https://www.nspcc.org.uk/what-is-child-abuse/types-of-abuse/bullying-and-cyberbullying/

Scared Of Catching Covid

You might be extremely anxious that being back at school will increase your chances of catching COVID-19 and that’s completely understandable. Try to calm your nerves by focusing on the things you can do to keep yourself safe.

What to do: Your school will be doing everything they can to keep their students and staff safe, but it might make you feel better to have your own covid care pack – ask a parent if you can pack your own sanitiser, wipes and mask in your school bag.

It can really help to talk about your fears with someone you trust. No worry is too small or silly so don’t be afraid to open up. Read our I’m Scared of Catching Covid advice for more help.

Getting Back Into A Routine

Many of us have let our usual routines lapse over the past year so the thought of setting your alarm for 7am and making your way to school for a day of strict timetabled lessons might make you feel particularly anxious.

What to do: Being organised and prepared can really help to calm anxieties. Pack your school bag in advance and make sure you have everything you need for your first day back the night before. This helps to reduce any last-minute nerves on your first day. You can also take a look over your timetable to mentally prepare yourself for the week ahead.

Many schools send out information to parents about the return to school and what this entails. Ask a parent or guardian to talk you through this or share it with you. This may help you to feel better prepared.

Try not to put too much pressure on yourself. You might feel tired and drained after the first day and that’s perfectly normal. Plan a treat for the evening, such as a tasty dinner or a movie night, to reward yourself.

Worried About Falling Behind

Your exams might have been cancelled or you may have missed some tasks during your home-learning time, and this can make you feel extremely worried and uncertain about your future.

What to do: Realise that you are not alone in feeling like this. Many of your classmates will be in the exact same boat and schools fully understand just how challenging the past year has been for students across the world.

It can help to make a note of any worries you have about your schoolwork and talk them over with your teacher. You can make a plan together to make sure you get on track with any critical coursework in a manageable, supported way. For more help and support, call Childline on 0800 11 11.


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