I’m Leaving Home For University

Tips and advice on how to cope with moving out…

Feeling anxious about leaving home? You’re not alone. Moving out is a big step in life and it’s perfectly normal to feel nervous. We’ve got some advice to help you feel more comfortable about leaving home and learning how to become independent.

Are You Worried About…

The Actual Move?

Make sure you have a strong circle of family and friends you can rely on. Ask for help to pack and move if you need it and don’t be afraid to pick up the phone and call for a chat if you’re ever feeling worried or anxious about moving out. Good friends and supportive family will support you through your move and beyond.

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Living Alone?

Remember, even if you’re living on your own, you’ll never be truly alone. Keep in regular touch with friends and family through messages, emails and FaceTime to make sure you don’t start to feel isolated. Reach out if you’re ever feeling lonely and don’t suffer in silence. Try to arrange regular visits to keep in touch with loved ones back home.

Living With Someone Else?

It’s normal to feel apprehensive about moving in with someone else, especially if you don’t know your new roommate. You could arrange to meet up with them before the move to get to know them better or give them a call instead.

Even if you’re moving in with a partner or a friend who you know very well, it can feel a little scary. What if you don’t get on? What if you find each other’s habits annoying? The best way to deal with any potential conflict is to have open and honest communication. Talk to each other when problems arise and try to come to a resolution to make your new home as harmonious as possible.

Making New Friends?

It can feel daunting to move to a new place where you don’t know anyone. Try joining a local class or gym to meet new people. Just started at uni? Most campuses will have events to welcome new students – these are a great opportunity to meet your fellow students in a more relaxed, sociable setting.

Managing Your Money?

Work out a budget before you leave home and try to stick to it every week/month to manage your money efficiently. Ask a family member or friend to help you with this if you find it difficult. Sign up for online banking if you don’t already have it – this is a great way to keep on top of your finances.

Adjusting To Your New Surroundings?

Make your new home your sanctuary. Decorate it how you want and enjoy finding accessories and items to make the place feel like it’s yours. It can also help to include furniture and furnishings from ‘home’ to make you feel more comfortable.

Explore the local area. Have fun trying out new restaurants and cafés, take a walk in the local park and look around the shops to get a feel for your new stomping ground. You’ll soon feel right at home!

Moving out at 16? Click here for more information and advice. https://ionpadel.com/for-me/family-and-relationships/relationships/moving-out-at-16/


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