How Do I Stop The Bullying?

It may seem like there’s no end to the relentless bullying you’re experiencing but there is light at the end of the tunnel. Read on to find ways to put a stop to it, once and for all….

What counts as bullying?

‘Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never harm me.’ Anyone who’s experienced any form of bullying knows that this rhyme couldn’t be further from the truth. Words hurt. Bullying isn’t always physical – in fact, name-calling or being the subject of nasty rumours can be just as painful and upsetting as being hit or punched.

Bullying can take all shapes and forms, but they all result in one or more people hurting someone else, whether that’s emotionally or physically. Types of bullying include verbal and physical abuse, emotional abuse and controlling or excluding behaviour. There’s also racist, sexual, transphobic or homophobic bullying, or bullying someone because of their disability. These are all classed as hate crimes and are illegal.


While most bullying might occur at school, social media and the internet have given bullies a door to entering our homes via our phones and laptops, making it almost impossible to escape from harassment. Cyberbullying can range from posting nasty comments or shaming someone online to pressurising an individual into sending sexual images or urging someone to harm themselves. 

Lady Gaga was a victim of cyberbullying while she was attending university and trying to launch her singing career. Her bullies posted regularly about how she would never be famous and even created a Facebook group entitled ‘Stefani Germonotta, you will never be famous’. It’s evidence that cyberbullying can affect absolutely any of us, even global superstars.

How can I stop it?

Whatever the scale of the bullying, wherever it’s happening, whoever it’s happening to… it’s not ok. But, together, we can can do something about it. The first step is to talk about it. Talk to a parent, a teacher, or another adult you trust about what’s happening. It might seem scary to open up at first but it’s important to share your experience and get the help you need.

If you’re experiencing cyberbullying, never reply or respond to horrible comments, pictures or threats. Show it to an adult you trust, block the perpetrator and report them to the platform where the offending material has been posted.

Your trusted adult may need to take further steps to ending the bullying for good. It might be necessary to set up a meeting with your school or to report the matter to the police in cases where a crime has been committed, such as racial abuse. Whatever the course of action required, you will feel better for having someone on your side, fighting back and banishing the bullies for good.

Where can I get more help and advice?

For more information on dealing with bullying and cyberbullying head to


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