
Bookworm Bingo Challenge!

Play our Bookworm Bingo to find new ways to enjoy reading…

Whether you’re a lapsed reader or a book beginner, our Bookworm Bingo will inspire you to pick up a book and lose yourself in its pages! Play along and see how many challenges you can complete. The first rule of Bookworm Bingo is there are no rules! You can pick challenges at random or ask a friend to choose one for you and you can work through them at your own pace. Don’t fancy one of the challenges? Skip it or swap it out for something else! The most important thing is to enjoy yourself because reading should be fun!

Just like bingo, you can check off the boxes as you complete each challenge. Play against a mate (if you need a motivational push and enjoy a spot of friendly competition) or complete it solo – it’s up to you!

Don’t forget to share your reading progress with us on our socials! Join in using #HSBookwormBingo to chat about books and reading with the Hidden Strength community. Click on our links to our socials at the bottom of the page to join the conversation!


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