8 Ways To Stay On Top Of Your Coursework

Sail through studying and ace your assignments with our top tips! 

  1. Create A Study Space 

Start by finding a quiet place to study, preferably at a desk or table, if possible. If you don’t have access to your own space, choose a quiet corner of a room, away from others in your house to keep disruptions to a minimum. Get your study space prepared with things you might need, such as paper, pencils, pens and any electrical devices you use. Try to keep your space tidy and free of clutter as mess can be distracting. 

  1. Make A Plan! 

Planning is key! A study timetable is a great way to manage your studying sessions into manageable blocks. Search ‘study timetable template’ online to find lots of great timetable templates for free download or for tips on how to create your own. You might find it easier to write a to-do list – it’s extremely satisfying ticking off tasks as you complete each one. 

  1. Set Realistic Goals 

Don’t set yourself up for failure by giving yourself unrealistic goals. Trying to push yourself to write 1,000 words in 20 minutes or create a detailed PowerPoint in limited time will only leave you stressed and feeling like a failure. Break your tasks into small chunks and you’ll feel far more motivated to achieve each one. Have an essay to write? Break it down like this: 


  • Make and compile notes. 
  • Plan essay structure. 
  • Write opening. 
  • Write main content. 
  • Write summary. 
  • Check spellings, punctuation and grammar. 
  • Submit! 
  1. Take Breaks 

Schedule in regular short breaks, every half hour or so, and leave your study space completely. Close the door on it, if you can, and take yourself to another part of the house or go outdoors for a while. It’s important to distance yourself from your workspace to clear your head and focus on something else for a while. If you can, take a walk or do a little exercise indoors. Exercise releases endorphins and clears the mind, leaving you refreshed, refocused and reinvigorated for your next study session. 

  1. Reward Yourself! 

Be kind to yourself and reward your achievements with treats. It’s totally OK to celebrate even the smallest of goals – it’s all about self-care and rewarding yourself for your own hard work. Your treat could be something as simple as your favourite smoothie or a FaceTime with a mate. Choose things that make you feel relaxed and put a smile on your face to make the most of your downtime. 

  1. Feed Your Brain 

Sounds obvious, but make sure to keep your body and brain fuelled to get maximum performance from those brain cells. Start every day right by making sure you eat breakfast to kick-start your metabolism (and to stop grumbly tummy distractions!) throughout the morning. Eat brain-boosting snacks such as a handful of your favourite nuts, berries, citrus fruits, or even a couple of squares of dark chocolate. Yep, you read that right – chocolate CAN sometimes be good for us! In moderation, of course. 😉 

  1. Ditch The Distractions 

Turn your phone off! It’s far too tempting to spend a quick five minutes on TikTok, only to realise an hour has passed when you finally look up again. Put your phone, tablet or anything else that might distract you in another room or lock them away in a drawer.   

  1. Buddy Up! 

If you struggle to keep on top of your workload, buddy up with someone who will keep you accountable. Sometimes, we need a little push, and that’s OK! A study friend can keep you motivated and gives you someone to bounce ideas around with.  


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