8 Ways To Help You Manage Grief

There’s no right or wrong way to deal with loss but these tips can help you cope…

There’s nothing more painful than losing a loved one or beloved pet. Dealing with grief doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve experienced a death – family break-ups, relationship breakdowns and friendship fallouts can also leave you feeling completely devastated. While everyone copes with grief differently, many people experience the same feelings of sadness, hopelessness, numbness, and even anger. Grief can hit in waves and can feel utterly overwhelming, which is why it’s so important to look after your own mental health and wellbeing. We hope these tips help you manage your grief and encourage you to take good care of yourself. 

1. Talk It Out

This is the most important thing you can do to get the support you need. Whenever you’re having a rough day or feel like you’re slipping into a deep, dark hole, tell someone. Confide in family or friends about how you’re feeling. Don’t suffer in silence – reach out and get help.

2. Find A Passion

Pick up an old hobby or seek out a new interest to keep you busy. A hobby can help take your mind off things when you’re feeling particularly low. It can give your day a focus and give you something to look forward to.

3. Go Outdoors

At least once a day. Take yourself outside, even if it’s just to the garden, and breathe in the fresh air. Open a window and let the air in if you can’t quite face the outside world just yet. Find ways to get those fresh air feels here.

4. Keep Your Routine

Try to keep to your usual routine, as much as possible. This can help to give your days a sense of structure and purpose and a safe familiarity when everything else feels so turbulent.

5. Lean On Friends

You might feel worried about unburdening your emotions on your friends, but good friends will want to support and comfort you in your time of need. Try to think how you would support a friend who was in your shoes… you’d do whatever you could to be there for them, wouldn’t you?

6. Smile When You Can

Try to seek out things that make you smile or laugh. You shouldn’t feel guilty about moments of happiness – we all need times of light and joy to help us through our darkest days. Discover ways you can inject happiness into your day here.

7. Peer Support

If you find it difficult to talk about your grief with friends and family, peer support could be a good option for you. The great thing about peer support groups is that everyone who is there is equal. Everyone’s experiences matter. Everyone’s voice will be heard. It’s a safe space where you can share your stories, ask for advice, and give advice. There’s no pressure to speak if you don’t want to – you can simply listen. Hearing others’ experiences and their individual ways of coping can be helpful for your own healing journey. Read more about peer support here.

8. Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

Try to eat well and get plenty of rest. If you’re struggling to sleep, try a sleep app or read our helpful guide here. Exercise can help, too, and even a short walk can go a long way to making you feel a little better.

However you cope, whatever you choose to do, please know that you are not alone. Talk to your doctor if you need more help or reach out to the HS community and counsellors on our free app. You can download the app here:

IOS: https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/hidden-strength/id1565180829

Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hiddenstrength.app

Get more advice around dealing with grief here.


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