6 Ways Spring Can Boost Your Mental Health

Here comes the sun to boost those feel-good vibes!

Hip-hip-hooray for spring! We’re more than ready to leave dark, wintry days behind us and embrace the longer days and lighter evenings. Everything is turner greener, more lush, more alive, and as the days turn brighter, so does our mood. Spring can have a positive impact on your mental health – and here are six reasons why.

1. Spring = Socialising!

Now that the nights are longer and the weather is warmer, there are lots more opportunities to meet up with mates and spend time outdoors. It might not be BBQ season quite yet (although who are we to say?!) but the UK weather is improving day-by-day and walks, biking, hiking, swimming and chilling in the park are back on the menu. And, boy, are we ready to be reunited with the great outdoors!

2. Bye, Bye Winter Blues

If you’re affected by the winter blues, or SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) as it’s also known, then you’ll know more than most that the arrival of spring can make a huge difference to your mental health. Increased exposure to daylight and fresh, spring air can trigger an uplift in your mood and improve your sleep and eating habits. Read more about SAD and how it can affect your mood here.

3. Get Those Vitamins!

An increased exposure to daylight also gives you a much-needed dose of Vitamin D. Did you know that a Vitamin D deficiency can leave you with achy bones and low mood? That’s why so many people take Vitamin D supplements during the winter months. Now that the days are brighter, get outdoors and soak up that Vitamin D daylight. Oh, and don’t forget sunscreen – the spring sunshine might not feel as hot as summer, but it can still cause damage so be sure to cover up on sunnier days. 

4. Spring Clean Your Soul

Spring reenergises the soul! You can enjoy increased motivation and a boost in serotonin, making you feel more upbeat, energetic and positive! Now is a great time to clear up your room and get things in order – de-cluttering your mind and space can make you feel happier and less stressed.

5. Get Active!

Spring is the perfect time to dust off your hiking boots, bike or football boots to get back to your favourite sport or outdoor activity. It lifts the soul to be running, walking or cycling with fresh air in your lungs and the wind in your hair. The sun is high in the sky, the birds are tweeting in the trees, the blood is rushing through your veins and your heart is happy. Bliss!

6. Hello, Productivity!

When it’s cold and dark at night, we just want to hunker down and, well, do very little. Now that the nights are longer and the evenings are brighter, you’ll feel more inspired to do more. You’ll feel more alert and more motivated to do those pesky little jobs around the house that you’ve been putting off for months. You’d rather go meet a friend for a couple of hours than snuggle up in a blanket with a boxset. Being more productive gives you a sense of achievement and satisfaction, making you feel happier and motivated to do even more!


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