4 Ways To Keep In Touch With Grandparents

How to keep in the loop with loved ones you can’t meet face-to-face…  

It can be tricky to stay in touch with grandparents, especially if they live far away or don’t have devices or the know-how to video call. Here are five ways you can keep in touch with your grandparents:

1. Postal Power

Go old school and send a letter! Not much of a letter writer? Pick up a few cheery postcards and send one a week to brighten up your grandparents’ day – and their fridge! TouchNote do a brilliant postcard service if you’d rather do it all online – check it out here. You don’t have to write tons; a few lines about something you’ve been up to at school, what you’re having for dinner, something funny your pet did or what you’re planning to do on your birthday is enough. Your grandparents will be so touched to receive post from you, they’ll hardly care what you write.

2. Tech Training

FaceTime, Skype, Zoom… these can sound daunting to elderly people who don’t use tech on a daily basis. If you have a family member or friend who lives near to your grandparent, why not ask them to pop round and set up a video call on your grandparents’ behalf? They could bring a laptop, tablet or phone to allow you to talk face-to-face with your grandparents. You could even ask if you can make it a regular thing – maybe a weekly catch up or even once or twice a month!

3. Pick Up The Phone

Talking on the phone isn’t for everyone but even a quick 10-minute call can really brighten your grandparents’ day – and yours! If your grandparents are overseas and costs are an issue, you could always ask them to call you instead. That way, you can talk without worrying about how much it’s costing you. Stuck for things to say? You could talk about your day at school, ask for their help with a homework question, or even write down a few topics on a piece of paper before you dial to keep the conversation flowing. For more ideas on how to make small talk, click here.

4. Letterbox Love

If you’ve got the money, why not send something through the post to let them know you’re thinking of you? There are lots of brilliant letterbox gift services from flowers and sweets to magazines and even brownies! Google ‘letterbox gifts’ to find the right gift for your grandparents.


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