Top tips to go vegan in January – in Partnership with Pulsin

Looking to go vegan this Veganuary or are considering going vegan in the future? Veganism is one of many diets that focuses on bringing plants to the forefront of your nutrition. As an award-winning plant-based snack and protein powder brand, Pulsin knows a thing or two about helping people who are making a switch to full plant-based living or those who want to dip their toes in with a more flexitarian/vegetarian diet.

Fortunately, there has never been so much choice when it comes to picking plant-based alternatives but changing your lifestyle can still be difficult to adjust to or stick to long-term. Here’s Pulsin’s top do’s and don’ts for helping you on your vegan diet journey:

Top 3 Do’s:

  1. Prepare, prepare, prepare:

You are about to change the way that you eat, cook and shop for food, so it stands to reason that you will need to prepare your food plan more than usual (or at least certainly at the beginning until you are a pro!). We would suggest the following preps:

  • Find some simple or delicious looking recipes to try which will keep your food plan full (check out over 75 Pulsin recipes here).
  • Have emergency quick options and snacks ready. We often fall off the wagon when we run out of time or energy (Pulsin’s snack bars are perfect for this! In particular, their choc covered brownies and protein bars).
  • Research vegan substitutes for milk, cheese and eggs to find what works for you.
  1. Think about why you are changing your diet:

Whether you are doing it for your health, the animals, the environment, or something else, chances are you have a reason for it. Think about this reason to help motivate you to continue this lifestyle.

  1. Ask for help

When you are making a lifestyle change it is important to have a support network in case your motivation drops or you’re looking for new ideas to keep your food interesting. Whether that is family and friends, or online groups and forums, there are people to talk to.

Top 3 Don’ts

  1. Don’t worry if you make a mistake

We’ve all been there… that chocolate brownie looked too tempting! The thing to remember is don’t let it get you down. Brush it off and carry on!

  1. Don’t avoid food you can’t eat

Talking of chocolate… dairy is usually the one food group people struggle to let go of. If you start your journey only thinking about the foods you love that you’re restricting yourself from, then you will likely struggle. Think of all the new things you’ll be trying instead like the plant-based alternatives you have always been curious about. Believe us when we say you’ll soon find new foods and recipes that you will adore.

  1. Don’t overthink protein

One of the top criticisms of a plant-based diet is lack of protein. The truth is with so many new ways to incorporate vegan protein into your diet, this really isn’t the case. For example, Pulsin’s large range plant-based protein powders such as pea, faba (fava) and rice are perfect for adding into recipes or having as a shake. Or if protein bars are more your thing, Pulsin also do a range of naturally indulgent “choc” covered protein bars. These come in Cookie Dough and Choc Fudge flavours and are also under 1g of sugar!

Specially formulated by their in-house nutritionists, Pulsin’s range of tasty plant-based snack bars, protein powders, keto products and shakes are perfect for everyday eating and drinking and are a great alternative to dairy or meat-based protein. Packed full of feel-good nutritional goodness, their super products are also gluten free and contain no artificial ingredients, preservatives, or palm oil.

We really hope these tips help you on your vegan eating journey. You can get your hands on Pulsin in Tesco, Holland & Barrett, Ocado, Planet Organic and more! You can also shop the full range at

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