Five Of The Best Self-Help Books

Give yourself a dose of self-love this World Book Day by picking up one of these brilliant books!

Positively Teenage: A Positively Brilliant Guide To Teenage Well-Being, Nicola Morgan

Available here

Full of practical, proven strategies for physical and mental health, Positively Teenage will show you lots of ways to flourish physically and mentally – from doing things you enjoy to learning new skills; looking after your diet, exercise and attitude to being healthy online; getting great sleep to understanding your personality – allowing you to take control of many areas of your life. With these new strengths and skills, you can survive any storms and thrive on the challenges of your exciting life.

The Art Of Being A Brilliant Teenager, Andy Cope

Available here

The Art of Being A Brilliant Teenager teaches you how to become your very best self—and how to figure out who that is, exactly. The bestselling authors of The Art of Being Brilliant and Be Brilliant Everyday are experts in the art of happiness and positive psychology and, with this new book, you’ll find your way to becoming brilliant at school, work, and life in general. Stay cool under all the pressures you’re facing and plot a map for the future that takes you wherever it is you want to go. Become proactive, determined, successful and most importantly: happy!

The Ultimate Self-Esteem Workbook For Teens: Overcome Insecurity, Defeat Your Inner Critic And Live Confidently, Megan Maccutcheon.

Available here

Sometimes, feeling self-confident and secure seems impossible, especially if you’re a teen dealing with school, friends, family, and other challenges that can affect how you see yourself. This workbook helps you build up your self-esteem and confidence with creative activities and advice that show you how to think positively, release self-doubt, and start loving who you are. Get to know yourself with quizzes, journal prompts, checklists, and more that help you set goals, work through insecurities, and find out what makes you feel strong.

Mindfulness For Teens In 10 Minutes A Day, Jennie Marie Battistin

Available here

Learn how to use mindfulness, or the ability to be fully aware in the present moment, to reduce everyday stress. Mindfulness for Teens in 10 Minutes a Day shows you how to take control of your feelings and focus your attention with short, simple mindfulness activities.

Discover a wide variety of mindfulness techniques that will fit easily into your routine and help you thrive in every area of life. These engaging exercises show you how to find peace in the face of stress, improve relationships with friends and family, boost your self-esteem, and increase your focus to help you succeed at school and work.

Anxiety Relief For Teens, Regine Galanti

Available here

Is anxiety disrupting your life? With proven CBT-based skills and mindfulness techniques, this book can be your guide out of the spiralling stress of anxiety and get you back on track to living a happy and healthy life.

The book includes:

 Quizzes and self-assessments to better understand your anxiety and emotions and discover their respective triggers.
 30+ CBT-based tools to manage your anxiety along with practical strategies for dealing with challenging emotions such as anger and sadness.
 30+ mindfulness practices to cope with your anxiety in the present moment through visualizations, breathing, meditation, and other exercises.


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