Hidden Strength

Team Advisory Board

John Cameron OBE

John Cameron OBE

John was, until recently, Director of Childline and Head of Child Protection Operations at the NSPCC, which included responsibility for the provision of the Society’s child trafficking advice service. With over 40 years’ experience in both child protection, John has developed a specialism in the provision of child helpline services and child safeguarding across a range of governmental and third sector organisations, nationally and internationally, supporting such areas as complex child abuse enquires, anti-corruption initiatives, disruption of child trafficking and their exploitation and whistleblowing initiatives.

John was awarded the London Metropolitan Police Commissioners Commendation for his work on non-recent child sexual abuse enquires and in 2016 received an OBE for his services to child protection.

Although now retired John still continues to provide safeguarding consultancy activities primarily to start up services.

In the world in which children have greater familiarity with online services, engaging with friends online and at risk of being exposed to harmful material, the importance of utilising children’s preferred methods of contact and providing a child focused assessable supportive digital platform cannot be underestimated. The uniqueness of the Hidden Strength App is an illustration of a significant reassuring evolutionary jump through the provision of support for children and young people online, providing the very opportunities children and young people need.

Joanna Nicolas

Joanna Nicolas

Joanna has worked in child protection and safeguarding for 29 years, 13 of those as a child protection social worker. For the last 14 years Joanna has worked as an independent safeguarding consultant and trainer. She is a published author.

Recently Joanna has been involved in undertaking whole school safeguarding reviews, following on from Everyone’s Invited. She is a board member of Cafcass, she leads statutory reviews in cases of child abuse, she also undertakes suitability assessments of those working in a position of trust with children.

Joanna is a national commentator on safeguarding, regularly appearing across the media. Joanna also does work around organisational culture, helping organisations develop a healthy culture, as well as a range of work in the arts.

It is well recognised there is a huge need for mental health support for young people, and extremely limited provision. Hidden Strength fills that void, as well as providing a one-stop shop for positive and constructive resources that focus on mental wellbeing. I consider myself extremely privileged to have the opportunity to work with an organisation that is so focused on positivity and improving young people’s well-being and very excited to be part of something that is unique in what it offers its community -offering qualified and registered therapists 24/7 is an extraordinary offer.

Dr Dawn Harper


Dr Dawn Harper is a practicing NHS GP and has worked in the NHS for over 30 years.

A member of the Royal College of Physicians, she is a popular speaker at events including corporate health and well-being days, Royal Television Society debates and live events such as Countryfile Live, This Morning Live and the Women’s Institute AGM.

In the last year, she has travelled to Prague, Munich and Seattle to chair international conferences on chronic migraine, epilepsy and psoriatic arthropathy, and has more to follow this year and next year in the US and Europe.

Working as an NHS GP, I have seen a worrying increase in the number of young people suffering with mental health issues in recent years. The effect of the pandemic has sadly exacerbated the problem, so I was delighted to be asked to join the team at “Hidden Strength”. The Hidden Strength App is a unique “one stop shop” for mental health and well-being for teenagers and young adults allowing them to access reliable support in a safe and secure way.

Dr Jai Shree Adhyaru

Dr Jai Shree Adhyaru

Jai is a Charted Counselling Psychologist and holds a Doctorate in her field. She has over 20 years of experience in working with children, young people and their families. and spent a decade working to disseminate the gold standard Multisystemic Therapy approach in England. Jai has expertise in working with people experiencing complex presentations including self harming behaviour, suicidal ideation, violence and trauma.

Over the past 10 years Jai has specialised in supporting the implementation of therapeutic services that are innovative and reach populations that do not traditionally access clinic-based services. Jai currently manages a specialist trauma service for children and young people within the NHS alongside a variety of other roles.

Jai also guest lectures at a London University, offers supervision and consultancy to individuals and organisations and has a special interest in Digital health Technologies.

HS provides an alternative social media platform - one that is led by experts in the field of mental health and wellbeing with content specifically designed for this cohort; one that promotes evidence-based advice and guidance for young people and one which provides access to specialist help that is readily accessible when young people need it. In a time of increasing social media interaction, HS offers a safe and supportive forum with a focus on wellbeing that is essential for young people growing up in a context of ‘filtered reality’.

Hidden strength the go – to, advice + support portal for 13 – 24 year olds designed to provide accessible and immediate support and chat-based therapy from qualified therapists to any young people who may be struggling with their mental wellbeing, completely for free.